The Chattanooga Area Historical Association is a citizens group concerned with preserving the history of the SE Tennessee Region with special interest in sites within a fifty mile radius of Chattanooga.
Chartered in 1948, the primary purpose of the Association has been to foster preservation of records relating to the history of Chattanooga and the surrounding area.
Prior to the CAHA organization, there had been two other historical groups in this area. The Chattanooga Historical Association was Chartered in 1889, and the Chattanooga Historical Society was organized in 1905. Both organizations were instrumental in collecting and preserving historical records, a heritage which CAHA strives to continue.
The Chattanooga Area Historical Association offers an excellent opportunity to become involved in the preservation and knowledge of our regional heritage. The Chattanooga area is rich in historical significance, from Indian civilizations, to DeSoto, to the Civil and Revolutionary Wars up to the present.
In addition to our annual luncheon, CAHA offers programs and bus trips of historical interest. Meeting places vary with prominent speakers knowledgeable in their topics.
Membership in CAHA is open to the public. Join us and help preserve regional history!
and secondary source materials including newspapers, diaries, letters
and Census records, have been collected by CAHA and deposited in the
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bi-Centennial Library.
For more
information, contact:
Area Historical Association Article I Name Article II Corporate
Status Article III Location Article IV Purposes B. To establish and maintain historical museums. C. To collect, preserve, and own such records, books and manuscripts, chrts, and other material as may be deemed worthy of a place in its archives. D. To buy, own, or sell such property, real and personal, as may be necessary to carry out the objects of the creation of said Association. E. To print, publish and distribute, pamphlets, books, and papers of a historical nature. |